This project is about an architectural response that emphasizes the idea that Powell’s bookstore is a Portland destination, not just decoration.

The new Powell’s Bookstore deserves to be as visionary as its iconic status and successful character.  Portland is longing for an iconic building to break the norm.  Integrating a park with Powell’s arises from these views combined with a pressing emphasis on open spaces in Portland. 


As with any proposal, understanding the conditions and problems that surround a project is a fundamental first step.  Portland's success does not come from any one building or park.  Its success is the culmination of the efforts of many disciplines coming together to form a more perfect whole.  Urban planning, civil engineering, social engineering, and architecture are among a few of the critical components that need to work in harmony for the future success of a city and individual project.

Portland Open Spaces and Parks Analysis

It became apparent that open and public spaces were goals that Portland prioritized very highly.  After analyzing many Portland public planning and policy initiatives, networks of parks, traffic, and social behavior patterns, my project partner and I developed our own strategies as to how Powell's can fit in and compliment the existing/projected framework.  

Post Analysis Connections Concepts

Form Finding Process

Powell's Park Realms and Personalities

Drawing inspiration from one of Portland's most famous urban park designers, Lawrence Halprin, we characterized the different spaces of the park in relation to their function and experiential qualities.  

Powell's Park  Designing the park through its sensorial, experiential, and functional characteristics. 

Structure Concept Diagram

Social Stair Conditions

The primary method of circulating Powell's Bookstore is the social stair.  We wanted to develop specific conditions of the stair along the journey that support the bookstore's adjoining programmatic functions.

Sustainability at Powell's

Powell's form provided many opportunities to incorporate sustainable systems and practices.  The roof form in particular is a great canvas to "paint on" many systems on the enclosure.  Its large surface area and orientation were optimized for daylighting and capturing solar energy.  Its slope and form are also optimal for water retention and mitigation through green roof systems.